Friday, April 27, 2012

Politicians should concentrate on making policy rather than attempt to affect people's beliefs.

Politicians should concentrate on making policy rather than attempt to affect people's beliefs.10:25-10:55

Since the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, the concept of politicians and their duties in the democracy have not changed much. The government is divided into separate branches  where different duties are performed in the best interests of the country. The Legislative Branch consists of senators and representatives that make policy as well as construct laws. The Executive Branch is responsible to enforcing and carrying out the laws effectively. Next, the Judiciary Branch ensures that fairness of the laws by making them obey the constitution. Most politicians in these branches are elected into office with the help of their voting constituents whereas others have taken external approaches. Politicians should consider the importance of the constituents beliefs and needs, in addition to making policy.

First consider a situation where politicians should concentrate on making policy than trying to alter people’s beliefs. The United States as well as other industrialized democracies have made many policies that are concerned with the safety and security of the people. The politicians are trying to pass policies to protect the people’s interests as well as for their chances for reelection. For example there are a multitude of safety regulations present in the US in a wide spectrum of products. In many stationary products, toys and synthetic materials the government has issued warnings for choking hazards as well as safety regulations that reduce lead poisoning, and BPA contamination that affects with fertility of a woman. Likewise, the National Highway and Transport Authority is responsible of making sure that the public infrastructure and vehicle are operating correctly to minimize danger for society. An example of this is, many cars that enter the market have to be crash tested and rated in order to be safe for the consumer. In addition, the state has made legal requirements for people to be able to drive by taking a written test and road test to demonstrate their proficiency in driving skills as well as road knowledge.  Recently, the toy maker Mattel, was accused of making toys that had lead coatings that were brittle and susceptible for children to be poisoned thus the FDA issued recalls for a line of action figures. As a result, for a society to be safe and run smoothly the politicians should concentrate on policy than try to persuade constituents.
On the other hand, there are situations where politicians should concentrate on persuading constituents to alter their beliefs. For instance, the United States faces major drug problems with tobacco and alcohol. Likewise there have been many cases of persuading people on using gasoline as a prime energy source. Since these drugs have entered the market in the early 1900s for purchase, multiple viewpoints have been present. Some view these drugs as unnecessary risks for human health and others take it as an opportunity to make a profit. Most of the time, however, politicians seek some benefit for themselves as well as the party so tend to change people’s beliefs.  In the case of smoking, there are more ads on television that promote smoking than there are to prevent it. The primary reason for this is that politicians who support these companies will be funded for politically in campaigns so tend to persuade people to use drugs for their benefits. Likewise, alcohol has been turned into a social drug that is viewed equally with soft drinks. The health risks are almost never discussed or shown in mass media because the politicians see the need to make personal gain. So it is evident the politicians, tend to make policy to protect people but in most cases persuade people to follow a rule that will benefit the politician.

In all, when politicians concentrate on making policy or persuade consituents to change beliefs depends on the circumstances. When a politician is trying to maintain the safety and security of the public then policies are made in the best interest of the people. However, if a politician ignores the safety of the people and puts profit motive on top then politicians tend to  change policy for their own benefit by persuading the constituency. Regardless of these cases, the politicians first priority is to satisfy the constituents at all costs and should not put personal gain such as votes for re-election up top.

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